A Celebration of Cruising Competition

Ullman Sails is still making masks for the pandemic. But, it is time to think about cruisers. Ullman will gift a Genoa and Spinnaker to winner of A Celebration of Cruising Competition photo contest, for those who post their photos with the #CruisingwithUllman tag.


Enter now by doing any of the following.
Tag @ullmansails on FACEBOOK or INSTAGRAM
using the #CRUISINGWITHULLMAN Hashtag.

OR Online Entry Form on www.ullmansails.com.
All these entries will be uploaded into an album on our Facebook page.

OR Email your photo and your telephone number,
location, first name to photo@ullmansails.com


To view all entries and cast your weekly votes search the #CRUISINGWITHULLMAN on Facebook or Instagram and get voting! Keep a lookout on our pages for weekly updates


Pay attention this is an important one!

Share your photo with your family and friends asking them to like the original image.

The more likes you get the better the chance you have to win!


Weekly prizes: Submissions will close on Fridays, so you have got from Monday to Saturday to get as many likes, shares, comments as possible! Winners of the weekly prizes will be announced on Mondays.

Monthly Prizes: Will be chosen by a judges panel of some of your favourite sailing ambassadors.

Overall Prize: Will be selected based on the most likes. So rally the troops and get voting!