Johann was born in Canada but raised in Fresno, California, far from the ocean. He got into sailing and tallships after seeing the movie Master and Commander. From that point on, he wanted to learn more about old wooden sailing ships and their history.
Since then he has worked and lived on many different talllships over the last 15 years, ranging from schooners and square riggers, to an epic journey on a replica viking warship.
He is a captain with a 200 ton near-coastal license, and has also recently published a children’s book called, “The Greatest Captain in the World”… which is most definitely not an autobiography.
His interests include reading, sailing, singing songs, contra dancing, role playing games, and helping others find joy and appreciation in learning history.
March 1, 2022
3 minute spotlight from this show will be added soon. Check back.
Nov 30, 2021