Tom and Diane retired and began traveling the world in their sailboat SV Avalon. An intended 3 month sail in Australia, put them in Australia during pandemic lockdowns for 3 years.
Tom Prior’s Linked-In Profile says ”off sailing the world, exploring new places, meeting great people and ‘fixing boats in exotic places.” He was formerly a Sailing Instructor at OCSC from 2007 to 2020, an Internationally known sailing school that closed during the pandemic. 3 of those years, he was head instructor. He is also a Marine Surveyor and Naval Architect, an independent consultant for boat yards and a Relief Captain who raced one of the Clipper boats in 2010 from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Panama Canal as part of the Clipper Round the World Race.
Diane Wilcock Business-oriented attorney with strong scientific background and international experience. PhD, MBA, JD. Over 15 years in-house in NASDAQ-listed biopharmaceutical companies and prior experience in technology transfer for academic institutions. Exceptional analytical skills. Known for attention to detail, pragmatism and awareness of the bigger business picture. Straightforward communicator. Built, managed and monetized global patent portfolios protecting platform technologies and products, particularly therapeutic antibodies.