Our interview with Agustin Ferrario, WeCANfoil Program Director
Originally he grew up sailing in Argentina where it became his life passion. He started coaching in Halifax, Canada 13 years ago, focusing on youth development. Through the America’s Cup in San Francisco in 2013, Augustin got into foiling and now he gets to combine coaching youth with foiling through WeCANFoil.
During SailGP Season 3 in San Francisco he is coaching the 17 Waszp finalists sailors from all over the world at the Inspire Final.

Launched in 2022, weCANfoil is a development program opportunity to try foiling, on both WASZPs and NSP boards, as well as take part in foiling regattas throughout North America with the support of weCANfoil. Recognized as the best foiling pathway program at the Foiling Awards in Milan in March 2023. Powered by RBR and the Canada SailGP Team. www.weCANfoil.org

Sail Sport Talk is an audio and multi-media broadcast on 10 platforms to 100 million people in 168 countries through Sports Byline USA. Tune in locations are here.
Sail Sport Talk with Karen Lile is aired inside the Rick Tittle Show every Tuesday morning Pacific Daylight Time at 9:37 sometimes beginning earlier with additional interviews. Rebroadcast happens at 16:37pm PDT and a Podcast is added on iheart radio. Tune in to Sail Sport Talk on 10 different platforms during the live experience.