Today, hosts Patti Mangan and Rick Tittle summed up the media point of view at Sail GP – with seats hi-rise right on the waters edge and play-by-play broadcast coverage pulsating throughout the media tent – only out-matched by our racing hearts.
The international team behind Sail GP provided great access to the athletes, the tech and the spectacle. San Francisco could not have presented herself any better. The wind was great, the changing tide provided new challenges each race, the sun and the Bay sparkled, really spectacular.

First off – a demo of the F-50’s tech by none other than Russell Coutts – the Founding CEO.

Up close with New Zealand’s Driver Peter Burling

Dueling mikes confront cool, calm Jimmy Spithill, USA which placed 7th overall for Season 3.

WAZPS sailor Ethan Thompson (CAN) listens intently to Driver

The Sail GP Team Australia three-peat win – this one was close, real close.

Post race wrap -up with media prior to the champagne soaked party next door.
Many great features of the SF Sail GP – the Impact League, INSPIRE for Youth, and the match up with local Yacht Clubs with active Youth Sailing Programs. The Base tours were inundated with youth!
TEAM USA – Golden Gate Yacht Club
TEAM Australia – Richmond Yacht Club
TEAM New Zealand – St Francis Yacht Club
TEAM France – Peninsula Youth SF
TEAM Canada – South Beach Yacht Club
TEAM Great Britain – San Francisco Yacht Club
TEAM Spain – Encinal Yacht Club
TEAM Switzerland – Tiburon Yacht Club
TEAM Denmark – TBD
Sail GP INSPIRE powers the international youth competition : see the WASZP’S Results