Captain Johann Steinke, is a Tall Ship Captain who met his wife Megan when she was his first mate on the Tall Ship the Lady Washington. We have interviewed Captain Steinke before on Sail Sport Talk, and Karen has sailed with Johann aboard the Lady Washington for cannon battles in the San Francisco Bay in years past.
Captain Steinke wrote a series of children’s books beginning with “The Greatest Captain in the World” based upon the tall tales told by the crew of a captain about his fantastical exploits. (think Paul Bunyan).
Today, we are checking in with Johann and Megan to hear their story of how they met, their honeymoon aboard a Viking ship journey. They now have children, live in Washington state and are preparing to sail around the world with their children as a lifestyle.
Tall Ship captains and crew live aboard their vessel in the lifestyle of the 1700’s and with the hierarchy amongst the ship mates, where the first mate has authority second only to the captain.