With 28,000+ nautical miles under her PFD Yosh has sailed all over the world. Catching a doublehander to Hawaii, crewing in the Transpac to Hawaii race, cruising from Tahiti to Tonga, Grenada to South Carolina, and most recently in the Marquesas. Don’t forget a couple of BajaHa-Ha’s!
She is a great example on how one can go from an interest in sailing to a life’s passion while earning certifications along the way. Yosh has acquired her USCG 25T captain status. 25 tons – no easy feat.
Listen in on our conversation – we enjoyed it so much – we did not want it it to end. We hope to learn more about her aura readings and her career as an international perfumer in the next installment.

Curious? Learn more about this powerful, inspirational woman by perusing articles and videos below.
Yosh has collaborated with our good friend Staff Commodore Marie Rogers in Los Angeles on ocean racing outreach.
Sailing website. https://www.captainyosh.com
National Women’s Sailing Association video interview about her first Transpac > from LA to Hawaii and many more sailing adventurers and accomplishments
Tosh Han was featured in the documentary Human The World Within – watch on Netflix – Episode 5: Senses
Living life by her nose on Essencional
A San Francisco Perfumer’s Campaign to Decolonize Scent
What can’t modern renaissance woman Yosh Han do?
Perfume website https://eaudeyosh.com
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