Clipper Race Around the World with Jacqueline Kavanagh Ireland-born-and-raised Jacqueline Kavanagh, 53, is an ocean racer. Once a stranger to sailing, she circumnavigated the globe as part of the Clipper 2019-20 Race, Ireland-born-and-raised Jacqueline Kavanagh, 53, is an ocean racer. Once a stranger to sailing, she circumnavigated the globe as part of the Clipper 2019-20 Race,
Karen Lile, Rick Tittle and Patti Mangan discuss the dismasting of Pip Hare’s boat Medallia and her leaving the race to sail to a port.
With 28,000+ nautical miles under her PFD Yosh has sailed all over the world. Catching a doublehander to Hawaii, crewing in the Transpac to Hawaii race,
During this mornings interview we will discuss a Hatteras 61-Custom Modified yacht - extended in 1993 to 81' by a previous owner and later - Australia SailGP Team helmed by Tom Slingsby lead USA SailGP Team helmed by Taylor Canfield, New Zealand SailGP Team helmed by Peter Burling and
There are age old traditions worldwide when it comes to the boating world. Superstitions like never saying goodbye, tattoos to save your soul, and It
Long Beach, CA (28 April, 2024) – The intensity of the 59th Congressional Cup, the opening event for the 2024 World Match Racing Tour, reached
Dawn Riliey was inducted into the Class of 2022 of the National Sailing Hall of Fame. We circle back to Dawn Riley for a follow