Listen in on this interesting interview with Dan about whale watching on the California coast.

Dan Garrett is a retired Senior Chief Petty Officer, US Navy Reserve, and has retired from his 38-year civilian career in the biotech industry.
Part of his Navy duties included safety evaluation for aircrew on P-3 Orion submarine hunting aircraft.
He is co-owner and skipper of SV Cutlass, racing often out of Moss Landing, California, and is part of the mighty mighty fleet representing Elkhorn Yacht Club in Monterey Bay Yacht Racing Association (MBYRA) races.
Dan began sailing a Catalina 34 out of Sausalito in the ‘80’s.
He is a private pilot, a theatrical lighting technician, and enjoys cruising the San Juan Islands whenever possible.
He serves on the Board of Directors of Elkhorn Yacht Club at Moss Landing, CA and as EYC’s delegate to PICYA.