Clipper Race Around the World with Jacqueline Kavanagh Ireland-born-and-raised Jacqueline Kavanagh, 53, is an ocean racer. Once a stranger to sailing, she circumnavigated the globe as part of the Clipper 2019-20 Race, Ireland-born-and-raised Jacqueline Kavanagh, 53, is an ocean racer. Once a stranger to sailing, she circumnavigated the globe as part of the Clipper 2019-20 Race,
With 28,000+ nautical miles under her PFD Yosh has sailed all over the world. Catching a doublehander to Hawaii, crewing in the Transpac to Hawaii race,
Meet 52 year old Scott Shawyer, the former CEO of JMP Solutions for 20+ years, mechanical engineer, and now professional sailor. In late May 2024, Scott is competing
James Pleasance is Executive Director for the World Match Racing Tour, the longest running global professional sailing series established in 2000 and one of seven events awarded
A native Kiwi now living in California, Scotty D has been in the match racing game longer than most and competed in many events worldwide
Enjoy our interview with 3 time Ficker Cup competitor, Nicole Breault. She had the best finish last year 4th but was knocked out by friend
Chris Childers is now Director of the Treasure Island Sailing Center, in San Francisco Bay. TISC creates opportunities for people to learn and grow through
Today on Sail Sport Talk we are interviewing our special guest Olympian Pam Healy, Chair of 2024 US Olympic Trials, who will share the latest
Karen in London and Patti in San Francisco discuss round the world racing Winter 2023. Ocean Globe Race - ongoing Started in Southhampton months
AUSTRALIA’S NEW AMERICA’S CUP CAMPAIGN ANNOUNCES 17 SAILORS FOR SQUAD A squad of 17 of Australia’s top performing sailing women and youth athletes have been