Savage Sneaker Waves, rising seas, King Tides and USCG Cautions and Rescues

Tuesday January 12th our show is on the wicked combination of King Tides, sneaker waves and the risks that take people by surprise on the sea and along the coast.

Joining Karen Lile and Rick Tittle is Chief Warrant Officer Leo Zapawa – a 25 year active duty member of the United States Coast Guard assigned to Coast Guard Sector San Francisco as a Command Duty Officer in the Coast Guard Command Center.

Chief Warrant Officer Zapawa stands watch as a proud member of a team of 606 active duty members, 43 civilians, 163 Coast Guard Reservists, and 1,568 volunteer Coast Guard Auxiliarists. The Command Center crew oversees missions for the Coast Guard in the Northern California, encompassing the Mendocino County to San Luis Obispo county lines, 200 nautical miles out to sea, the San Francisco Bay, extending to Sacramento and Stockton and Lake Tahoe. Over 2,000 cases annually. These missions broadly include, Maritime Safety, such as Search and Rescue and Port Safety;  Maritime Security, such as the protection of critical infrastructure and Law Enforcement; Maritime Stewardship, such as pollution incidents, and Aids to Navigation.

A sneaker wave is a disproportionately large coastal wave that can sometimes appear in a wave train without warning.

Tune in at 9:37 am – Sail Sport Talk is streaming live on