Medevac rescue of skipper Andy Schwenk 400 miles off of San Francisco, CA.

Andy (far right) and crew partying at the halfway mark during last year’s Transpac.© 2022 Andrew Redfern

Catch our Tuesday morning 9:40 m interview with Andy Schwenk – skipper of Spindrift V, an Express 37, who was rescued off the coast of California in August. Andy was returning from Hawaii after winning his division in the bi-annual 2022 Pacific Cup when a flesh eating infection came very close to killing him.

With the coordinated help of the US Coast Guard, naval ships and fellow returning racers Andy was air-lifted and receieved life-saving surgery and treatment at Stanford hospital that will keep him walking .

The images shared in the article are gory but Andy is out of the hospital and recovering well. Find the full story on L’Attitude 38.

In fact Spindrift V competed in the ROLEX Big Boat Series in September 2022 with incredible results.